Robin Williams R.I.P. – A Great Talent: My Musings Having Lost Someone Great to Suicide…

Robin WilliamsWhen I heard that Robin Williams passed away yesterday, I was struck like I had heard my own family member pass. My husband, in-turn had the same reaction when I told him the news. “What?!”… “Robin Williams died?!?”… With a pause to process the shock…

Robin was so rare and unique in his approach to his art. He stood out amongst all others with his, let’s put it all out there, no holds barred delivery whether it was on the stage, in a comedy club, on the camera filming in-front of a studio audience, or on the screen in a small therapist’s office. He was absolute genius in his funny, intelligent, emotional, fast-thinking, physical approach to his art. Yet, it was in the midst of all the hurry, scurry that he was able to stop midstride and exhibit great depth of feeling for others, things, ideas, dreams. This abrupt pause had the ability to leave the audience with a deeper sense of life, suffering, humanity, healing…

I had often thought that in Robin Williams, “There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.” ~Aristotle   As, many highly intelligent people can be viewed in the same context. Thank God for these out of the box thinkers! They surprise us into seeing the world in new and unique ways. They shock us into thinking that “yes, things can be done differently” even when they are ridiculed in their search for discovery for things like fire, light, flight…

I do know one thing for sure, his family shouldn’t blame themselves… They loved him deeply and did all they could for him, I’m most certain…

I speak from experience having lost a dear sister 8 years ago to suicide, that when suicide happens it is like a tidal wave has appeared without notice and all you knew that existed is washed away leaving nothing but raw emotion and pain in its midst as one numbly searches for any remnants of what was…

I’m not saying any of the following happened to the Williams family members, but this tidal wave can come on especially strong if your recent contact with your loved one was really  positive and hopeful.   I know, because just a couple of days before Tamra’s plan, she came to visit me and acted as her life was going great. Thanked me for all my help in getting her settled and on a new path and direction, even wrote me a thank you card and gave me a huge bear hug. You just never know… All the while she was telling me good-bye…

Like Robin, Tamra was highly intelligent and witty.  She battled demons and had gotten professional help, but it has become my understanding that when a person makes up their mind to take this action, it’s not unlike a person having a brain stroke… Tamra took 2 weeks and actually planned her way out of the hurt, even in the midst of seeing our family and laughing away with us during Easter… seeing her psychiatrist the following week… She got drunk the night she took her own life, but it wasn’t the drinking that caused it, it was the drinking that helped her pull the trigger.

For his loved ones, for the healing that take place takes the one thing that is needed the most is — TIME.  Time to grieve, feel, rest and process in whatever way you need to process.  I had the help of a fantastic therapist to help me navigate my way back to a “new normal” and clergy that assured me that God loves her before, during and after…  I could only move forward thinking that maybe God spared her in some way from long-term suffering, to a life that wasn’t going to improve not matter how much she, we all tried?  I don’t know… I still would much rather she be here suffering with the rest of us…

I leave on this. The world has lost a great talent in Robin Williams and I’m so thankful we all got to share him for a few decades there…

And onto a PSA: Mental Illness is not something that is talked about enough in society. There is nothing wrong with seeking or asking for help. It is akin to going to the doctor of high blood pressure or diabetes. If you think you or a loved one are depressed, here is a list of things to look for – I found the following on

Warning Signs of Severe Depression

Depression is a common but serious disease that ranges widely in severity. If you have a milder case, you may struggle with symptoms that include sadness, irritability, anger, and fatigue that last for weeks or longer. Such depression interferes with your daily life and relationships.

But some cases of depression are more severe, with intense symptoms that may include significant appetite and weight loss, sleep problems, and frequent thoughts of death or suicide. Such depression can be paralyzing. You may isolate yourself and have trouble getting out of bed or leaving the house.

Symptoms of Severe Depression

What are the symptoms of severe depression?

Alcohol or drug abuse

Insomnia or excessive sleeping


Loss of interest in activities that used to be enjoyable


Persistent thoughts of something bad happening

Thoughts of death or suicide or suicide attempts

In very severe cases, psychotic symptoms (such as hallucinations or delusions)

Although you might feel that there’s no hope, talk to your doctor about treatment options. Even severe depression symptoms can be treated.

Risk Factors for Suicide

Not all people with risk factors will be suicidal. In addition to depression or other mental illness, risk factors for suicide include:

Past history of substance abuse

Past history of suicide attempt

Family history of suicide

Family history of mental illness or substance abuse

Firearms in the home


Feelings of hopelessness

Suicidal Thoughts: An Emergency (We took Tamra by ambulance to the ER g months before her suicide)

For people who are severely depressed, suicide is a real threat. Each year, about 30,000 people in the U.S. take their own lives, although the true number may be higher. Some suicides go unrecognized because they’re classified as accidents, drug overdoses, or shootings. Among people whose depression remains untreated, up to 15% will kill themselves.

What are the warning signs of suicide? According to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, they include:

Talking about wanting to die or wanting to kill yourself

Looking for a way to kill yourself, such as searching online for methods or buying a gun

Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live

Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain

Talking about being a burden to others

Increasing use of alcohol or drugs

Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly

Sleeping too little or too much

Withdrawing or feeling isolated

Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge

Displaying extreme mood swings

Getting Help

Be aware that often, suicidal behavior is impulsive. Remove any weapons, medications, or other means that you might use to harm yourself. Ask a trusted person to keep your gun away from you and to lock up your knives. Flush stockpiled pills down the toilet. By getting such items out of your surroundings, you may buy time — enough valuable time for you overcome a suicidal impulse and to consider other ways to cope with your pain.

Avoid using alcohol or illegal drugs, or seek treatment to break dependence on these substances. They can worsen your depression and lead to thoughts of suicide. Some studies have found that among people who have completed suicide, 33%-69% have had alcohol detected in their blood.

If you are severely depressed or have suicidal thoughts, tell your primary care doctor, psychiatrist, or therapist. Or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline anytime at (800) 273-TALK.

If you feel that you can’t control the urge to harm yourself, or if you’ve already taken steps to harm yourself, call 911 or go to the emergency room without delay. You may need to be hospitalized for supervised treatment to reduce the risk of suicide.



Courtroom Hair: The #1 Reason Not to Commit a Crime Ladies!

I was reading the Dallas Morning News today and came across a story about a plea deal reached by Shannon Richardson.  She was a bit part actress tuRicin Letters-Texasrned lunatic.  She sent ricin laced letters to the President and others in an attempt to get back at her estranged husband for filing for divorce.   A case that shows that in-fact it is true — “Health hath no fury like a woman scorned (especially someone who is a bubble off)”…

Now, I’ve heard that capital punishment IS used to deter crime.  But, I have to say that what really caught my moral attention was not the crime and punishment but Richardson’s courtroom hair!  My knee-jerk reaction at seeing her current courtroom picture explaining was: “Oh my GOSH, now that is a good reason for me to not go to jail in its self!  Thank you very much.  And, if I did find myself in such a situation, I’d make a quick plea deal too do get out of the public eye ASAP!”

Before Ricin "Incident"Richardson’s beautiful red tresses at the beginning of the case had grown out maybe about 6 inches.  Apparently, they don’t allow you to color your hair in jail.  I mean, why would they?  But, this is just not a good look for me or anyone.  It got me to thinking about other cases I’ve read about in the past.  A big case that immediately came to mind was the Darla Routier case.  Darlie's Courtroom HAIR, I mean trial...No amount of argument could get me past the root issue going on there.  I’m sure I couldn’t even serve on the jury:

“Your honor.  I have to be completely honest with you.  I just can’t serve on this jury.  I’m sort of into hair.  I’m a girl like that.  I think that seeing the defendant’s roots day in and day out would be too big of a distraction for me to truly be able to listen to either side of the story in this case.  I hope you understand.” 

I wonder what the judge’s reply would be… Not to be sexist, but It may actually depend on if the judge were a man or a woman… The judge may find that she may have to recuse herself, as well…  Or him, if he’s dapper at all…

We Endorse Eric Opiela for Texas Agriculture Commissioner!

Eric OpielaDear Friends,

I’d like to introduce you to a long-time friend of our family, Eric Opiela.  Eric and my own family, the Janysek’s, go back to the late 1800s. Our families were  pioneers and settlers who bravely departed from their beloved homeland with a desire to live in freedom. This bold move and the success that came from it did not come without a lot of hard work, faith and visionary hope that the future would be bright if one stayed the good course.

Eric’s mother had a great impact on me, as she was my 1st grade teacher and taught me how to read.  We saw Eric and his family at church each weekend and rallied with them on the sports fields during the week.  Together we celebrated marriages and laid those in our families to rest.  Our Dad’s would talk about the things farmers and ranchers talk about when they could find the time to do so, usually after church – the rain forecast and faith, crops, cattle, whether the dove hunting was going to be good this year and more.  A rural way of life has been the center of Eric’s family, and my own for more than a century.

I had the distinct pleasure of working side by side with Eric starting three years ago as one of the founding board members of the Karnes City ISD Education Foundation. Both of us giving back to the community that gave so much to us.  Eric served as founding President of the Foundation. He is a man that walks the talk and has lead us to where we are today.  Each of us helping to pay it forward for the youth of tomorrow. I speak from experience on Eric’s work ethic. His word is his commitment and he is hard working, visionary, follows through on his promises, reflective, always composed and respectful, fiscally responsible, intelligent and well-spoken. This is hard for me to say as a person rather partial to the Aggies; but I have to say that he does those Longhorns proud having graduated from UT Law School!

Mark and I both whole-heartedly support Eric as candidate for the office of Texas Agriculture Commissioner. He was born into a rural Texas as a way of life. His experience is grounded from those values.  Eric has spent many years serving at the State, County and local levels and also served as Executive Director of the Republican Party.  He served as Chief Counsel for George P. Bush in his bid for Texas Land Commissioner before resigning to pursue the office of Texas Agriculture Commissioner.  We are confident Eric will inspire others to safeguard our resources and encourage us all to make our great State of Texas even better.

Eric recently came out to talk our Prosper friends about the importance of the Texas Agriculture office and its impact on helping Texas’ with its current drought/water issues.   Now is an important time to face this issue and we can’t think of a better candidate that can help navigate our state through this issue.

Please join us in endorsing Eric, as many great leaders have come from the position of Texas Agriculture Commissioner!

To Make an Online Donation: Click Here
To Mail in Your Donation, click here to print out a Donor Flyer: 
Eric Opiela – Donation Flyer
 We invite you to visit his website to size him up for yourself:


Mark and D’Ann Williams

P.S. Check out the 2 following YouTube videos that his campaign has put out – the 2nd video is Funny!!